
The Club des Cent Cols in Wikipedia

Wikipedia is a free collaborative on-line encyclopedia. It is universal and translated in no less than 315 languages. Each user can modify or edit the contents of its articles, provided they comply to some rules :

– information must be correct and can be verified by the user at any time. It must come from an exterior source, which means that the author of the article can’t make their own promotion (for example, promote the book they have written…). This information must also be exterior to the subject area of the article (which makes it impossible for the author to quote his own personal sources or own web site, etc.) ;

– Information must be neutral, impartial and objective, showing no personal opinion, which means that the sources quoted must be known. A municipal magazine for example is not considered a sufficiently acceptable source (the Club faces the same problem with the sources invoked to validate a col !) ;

– the information is free, no author’s rights or copyright. Everybody can copy, edit, share…the information, which, conversely, implies that all the information protected by copyright can’t be mentioned in wikipedia ;

– wikipedia information is controlled by surprisingly efficient robots and by about 3,800 administrators who wolunteer from all around the world ;

– Each native language user publishes their article with links to other languages, knowing that an article in a set language may not be accepted in another language.

So gathers the articles 1 or original articles from France or gathers the articles from Luxemburg. This country is not mentioned at random as the first article on the Club des Cent Cols was published in Luxemburg :

This article contains basic information for the time being and its integration in has been refused by the robot in charge of the articles admission, invoking an absence of exterior sources. Thus we have written a French version There will soon be other versions in the foreign languages used by the Club : German, English, Spanish, Dutch and Italian, counting almost 2,500,000 articles in written by almost 17,000 active contributors, the author of this memo included.

L’articolo è, a dir poco, breve e la sua integrazione nella Wikipedia francese

è stato rifiutato dal robot di ammissibilità: nessuna fonte esterna.

Abbiamo quindi redatto una versione in francese

Seguiranno presto versioni nelle lingue abituali del Club:

Tedesco, inglese, spagnolo, olandese, italiano.

Dans la catégorie : Il sito, cosa c’è di nuovo

The Gazette