Cols on the track

Send a GPX (or FIT) file containing a track and you will a new downloadable GPX with nearby cols shown as waypoints.

  1. You are not logged in as a member: a maximum of 100 cols are given.
  2. Please be patient: the search for cols takes a little time, often more than 10 seconds.
  3. The processing may fail with files which are too big (over about 10,000 points ).
  4. The non-standard codes and extensions are not being retained in the resuling GPX file.
  5. The track can be simplified to the desired precision (choose 0 m to avoid simplifying).
  6. A file name with spaces may eventually cause problems.


Options for GPX tags:   <name>:   <cmt>:   <desc>:   <link>:

GPX track file: