Women and volunteering

Rédigé par Denis Chouquet-Stringer

In my first article I proposed writing about this subject : Women volunteers and women within organisational frameworks.

The timing was apt as the AGMs of clubs, of departmental and regional committees (CODEPs and COREGs), and of the FFCT, were appealing for candidates, of both sexes.

The first step isn’t always easy, and many excuses are available : too old, not enough time,  family commitments, lack of desire to take part, other responsibilities, and others. And so we carry on, while the work continues to be done by existing volunteers.

That’s all very well, but our leisure is better for sharing, and our volunteers have less time to actively pursue their favourite activity, be it road cycling or MTB, cycletouring or increasing their number of cols.

It’s clear that the time we have available when we commit ourselves as a member of, or office holder on a committee, will be seriously impacted.

But parity has not been acheived in many clubs and CODEPs and COREGs. It is important that women make their voice heard, and not be mere spectators.

When we have made the first step, there is still much to observe and a lot to learn, as well as offer. A contribution is required, but you will get positive returns, as well as some disagreement.

In my own case I threw myself into my club’s office following a difference of opinion, but that is for another article….my journey.

So I congratulate women who give or have given of their time to our club, although I believe there is room for more of them, so perhaps there will be a female candidate at our next AGM.

For information, the COREG Auvergne-Rhone Alpes, under president Catherine Borgeais-Rouet, has currently 14 active members including eight women. I am responsible for the disability commission.

And Lydie Chenot, a friend that I introduced to the Club des Cent Cols with her husband, was elected to womens commission of the FFCT at their last AGM.

Women in your posts – I salute you.