The traits d’unions européens (TUE)

The traits d’unions européens, organised together by the ASPTT St-Quentin and the European Cycling Union (UECT) consist of linking, in one direction or another, Paris to the capitals of the European Union, more widely to all the capitals of Europe, with a view to link the capitals between themselves.

The first one was Paris to Luxembourg in 1983.

Control points are spaced out, and the routes, as quiet and touristic as possible avoiding large towns, have all been researched by bike.

Cycling fans, outdoors enthusiasts, those who want to escape the pressures of a polluted environment, who want to see Europe in a sporting way but without time limits, to see the sights, meet people, get to know the locals and to share the values of friendship and solidarity, have made up the stream of 3893 TUEs accomplished since their creation.

To know more:

The traits d’Union Européens of the UECT

The cols on the traits d’union

De Paris à   km    D+  Cols
AMSTERDAM          610               3 100   1
ANDORRE          996             10 900   7
ATHENES       3 682             34 900   16
BELFAST       1 832             19 300   1
BELGRADE       2 182             19 600   13
BERLIN       1 166             11 400   1
BERN          626               6 300   5
BONN          521               5 900   1
BRATISLAVA       1 599             16 800   12
BRUXELLES          352               2 900   1
BUCAREST       3 179             28 600   17
BUDAPEST       1 776             18 500   10
COPENHAGUE       1 453             12 200   3
DUBLIN       1 904             15 400   9
EDIMBOURG       1 076               9 800   3
LISBONNE       2 580             28 100   13
LJUBLJANA       1 612             12 800   5
MADRID       1 593             15 900   8
MINSK       2 613             19 100   1
MONACO       1 081             15 800   20
MOSCOU       3 668             26 100   1
OSLO       2 540             23 200   3
PODGORICA       2 627             23 800   5
PRAGUE       1 227             11 900   4
PRISTINA       2 927             28 600   8
RIGA       2 714             18 800   1
ROME       1 897             17 900   12
SAN MARINO       1 433             11 600   5
SARAJEVO       2 519             22 300   6
SKOPJE       2 657             23 900   14
SOFIA       2 657             23 900   14
STOCKHOLM       2 151             16 100   3
TALLINN       3 162             20 300   1
TIRANA       2 837             25 700   5
VADUZ          960             13 400   11
VARSOVIE       1 852             13 900   1
VIENNE       1 539             16 600   12
VILNIUS       2 377             17 600   1